Wy – Wyong to Yarramalong (37 Km)


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Description: Commencing from Wyong station (west side), head west to Yarramalong for lunch in the village.  Note – be prepared, there are no water/toilet stops along the way until Yarramalong.  Return to Wyong via the same route.  Expect to pass through some beautiful country side.

As usual, if travelling by train, take the Newcastle train that leaves Hornsby station at either 8.33 or 8.52 am.  If travelling by car – group leaves promptly from Wyong station at 10 am as they aim to be back for either 2.19 or 2.39 pm return train.

Start: Wyong Station – 10 am

Coffee/Lunch:  Yarramalong

Distance:  approx. 40 km – fairly quiet, narrow road

Ride at your OWN RISK.  If joining this ride you are required to be self-sufficient, self-reliant, take responsibility for your own decisions and any outcomes resulting from these.  In particular, be aware of cycling road rules and abide by these.

View photos here.