Say Cheese!

Netherlands & Belgium: Stage 04 – Utrecht to Gouda 52 Km (Fri 8 July 2022)

Weather: 14⁰C min – 23⁰C max, glorious sunshine

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“There is beauty in silence, and there is silence in beauty, and you can find both in a bicycle!” ~ Mehmet Murat ildan

It was one of those “good to be alive” days when everything goes right, well almost. The day didn’t start too well, with clumsy me standing on my glasses and knocking out one of the lens. Trying to find the tiny screw on the grey carpet was like looking for a needle in a haystack but after about 10 minutes on hands and knees I had success. Not that it was much good to me without a tiny screwdriver so I effected the repairs with some black electrical tape. All sorted!

Then my cycling shorts split when I bent over … it must be all those pastries I have been eating. Not to worry, a couple of safety pins did the trick. All sorted!

The day got progressively better from that point. In fact, under a perfect clear blue sky, it was one of the most magical days of tour cycling I have ever had.

But first I had to retrieve my bike from the massive, indoor, secure parking station over the road. This was a challenge in itself because there were thousands of other bikes and I couldn’t remember exactly where I left it (must have been a seniors moment). What helped was that my battered 17 year old, steel-framed, Cannondale Tourer stood out like a sore thumb.

Riding out of Utrecht on a lovely canal-side bicycle path was just the start of the magic. All the elaborate house-boats on the other side of the canal fascinated me so I had to keep stopping to take photos. I think I could adapt to that life style!

There was a delight around every corner. First there was a pair of white swans and their cygnets sitting in the middle of the road, refusing to budge causing me to ride around them. Were they protesting about something?

Animals were a feature of the day … chickens, ducks, goats, sheep, alpacas, horses … and cows contendedly grazing on lush green pasture needed for them to produce milk to make that wonderful cheese that Gouda is renowned for.

Some of the pretty, colourful houses lining the banks of the canals and lakes blew me away, particularly nearing my destination of Gouda. It was hard not to keep stopping to take photos.

Just to top off a perfect day, when I arrived in Gouda I met Tobias, a cycling enthusiast who I had befriended on Strava. It was so good to catch up with him in person and to have someone with so much local knowledge to stroll around this delightful 750 year old town with (which anniversary they are currently celebrating). I got to see all the points of interest, including the cheese museum where I couldn’t resist buying a block of Gouda. Thanks for the wonderful guided tour Tobias, much appreciated!

Now I must close because I can’t wait to devour my purchase. I just hope the calcium knows how to find it’s way into my bones rather than my coronary arteries!

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2 Responses

  1. Sophie says:

    Oooh – I envy you all that delicious cheese! Gorgeous waterways and plants and animals – the alpaca looks a little like Ollie!

  2. Kevin says:

    The cheese was really special, best I have tasted.

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